A little aside….

A huge overwhelmed THANK YOU goes out to all of you who’ve read the blog, watched the video, commented, messaged and who are planning to take part in #wearyellowforseth.

As i’m sure a few people have noticed we were totally underprepared for the response we’ve had to this!! (Sorry!)

We are doing our absolute best to respond to every single one of you but there are only me (Seth’s mum), Seth’s dad, his grandad and his aunt currently answering messages and I think we’re answering you all.

We are trying to respond to comments on posts on YouTube, Instagram, facebook and Twitter but it’s impossible to keep up with so we are sincerely sorry if we have missed you.

I am aware that a few wear yellow for Seth accounts have been set up on Instagram and facebook which have been done without our knowledge. As such we have no input on these sights and cannot respond to questions there.

The official sites are:

Facebook – wearyellowforseth

Instagram – ourheroseth

Twitter – ourheroseth.

Or you can always message on here and I will get to responding to you.

We have had a lot of incredibly kind messages from people wanting to contribute to Seth’s medical care. We are extremely grateful that here in the UK we have the National Health Service which is funded by the welfare state. This means that we do not have any medical bills for Seth. So he has access to the best treatment he possibly can in an amazing hospital without us having to worry that we cannot fund it. We are very much aware of how privielidged we are that our boy has that benefit that many other children do not.

I really worry about what will happen if the UK government pursue the planned privatisation of the NHS for children like Seth who insurance companies would be unlikely to want to cover.

We also owe a thank you to the Bubble Foundation for the additional support we are getting so that Seth (and U.S.) can be a family as much as possible.

The Bubble Foundation provides accommodation for the parents of patients on Seth’s ward (there are 10 beds always full of children going through bone marrow transplants for various medical reasons). We live a 4 hour drive from the hospital and we have a new baby. This means that without this accommodation Seth’s baby brother and I would have to live at home and Seth wouldn’t be able to see me (his mum) for the time he was in hospital. It would also put a lot of pressure on his dad who would be with him everyday alone in the bubble.

Where did the #wearyellowforseth idea come from?!

Well 4 and a half years ago as Seth was approaching his first transplant an old friend of mine was also battling leukemia. She was a big supprter of Seth and spoke to me about the significance of the colour yellow in relation to immunity. Apparently is signifies a strong immune system. So we had the idea to ask people to wear yellow to show support on his transplant day. This happened and friend, family, associates and colleagues all posted pictures of them wearing yellow. It was amazing for us as his parents to see people we’re thinking of our baby. At the time Seth was only 7 months old so had no idea.

Since then Seth’s journey has continued and weirdly his favourite colour has become yellow! His playroom at home HAD to be yellow, he LOVES minions because they are yellow and Ioves it when he or his brother is dressed in yellow!

So as his health became more concerning and we were made aware he would need another transplant, it popped into my head that it would be nice to do the wear yellow day again because Seth would really love and appreciate it this time.

Seth doesn’t really grasp the enormity of what’s happening (I don’t either!), but the pictures he’s seen of people wearing yellow has already started to make him smile. So it’s worked already!! Thank you and we are looking forward to next Friday to see how amazing people really are!!!

83 thoughts on “A little aside….

  1. Skye wheland says:

    Hi my name is Skye I was sad to here about.that I am praying for him and I am going to were yellow thank u so much responding have a great day


  2. Bri says:

    I know that you may not get the chance to read this, but please know that I am thinking of you, your family and especially Seth. I hope that the second transplant goes well and that his health continues to improve. I am currently at University and college in Australia and I will definately try to wear as much yellow as I can on Friday next week and will be encouraging all my friends at college to do the same. Please know that whilst we have never met, I, a complete stranger from over the world was inspired by your story and wish you and your family and Seth all the best.


  3. amanda says:

    Hi leanne. Iv only recently heard about your struggles with your little boy seth. We havent spoken since school many moons ago. Im a nurse by trade and have two children myself and as a mum and a professional with a little knowledge on seths condition feel compelled to support you and your little man. I cannot comprehend how hard this has been for you all and want to say what a credit your beautiful boy is to you and your husband. My little girl developed an autoimmune condition last year she is four and although this is not life threatening it is sight threatening and due to no improvement is likely to start immunosupression for a year or two in a few weeks. This is been hard for us as parents (my hubby is a gp) as well as knowing a little to much about the drugs etc. She however will be able to go to school but will need regular hospital visits/blood tests and medicine. Seeing your little boy go through all this and still smile has put my worries into perspective especially as if this treatment doesnt work she will need treatment to eradicate t cells and b cells. The total opposite to seth. I will continue to share and keep up todate on little seth. I wish u all the love and luck for his future treatment. We will wear yellow for seth!


    • LJLane says:

      I’m sorry to hear this about your daughter. When Seth started dropping red blood cells it was thought this was auto immune so we’ve had those drugs as well and know what you mean. I hope the immune suppressants work for her. Thank you


  4. Sophie Wesley says:

    I have to say that your little boy has really touched my heart. He is the cutest little thing bless him and it broke my heart to read about his struggles but clearly the smile on his face just shows how strong your little man is!

    I don’t normally read blogs or watch videos like the one you have posted as they are usually full of rubbish or people trying to get a million likes so they can get a puppy or something! But for some reason Seth just captured me as soon as I saw his little face and is story is one of true inspiration.

    I will be wearing yellow next Friday and I have a yellow Lab named Bear, so we will be in the photo together seeing as though my dog is always yellow! 🙂

    I hope Seth gets to see my picture and I wish you and your family all the luck and love in the world that Seth goes from strength to strength after his transplant and I will continue to read your blog.

    Lots of love

    (Tamworth-West Midlands)


  5. Martha says:

    Peace & Blessings to you and your family as you walk this journey. I have not read the whole blog but wanted to add that the color yellow represents the Holy Spirit. May the peace, comfort and power of the Holy Spirit be in and with you all. Blessings, Martha ~ South Carolina USA


  6. Jen says:

    This has really struck a chord with me because nearly 4.5 years ago we were sat in our local children’s ward as a Dr apologised for keeping us waiting so long but he had been desperately waiting for one last test result before speaking to us because he was worried that this is what our 8 month old son had. We had only gone for tests for a wheat allergy! We were very lucky and he was diagnosed with transient hypogammaglobulinaemia instead but I’ll never forget hearing the Dr explain just how sick he might have been. I can’t begin to imagine how you cope with the reality.
    Sending lots of love to you all. We’ll certainly be wearing yellow for your incredible little boy. Xxx


  7. Jack Ricau says:

    I saw the video of Seth on GMA yesterday. It brought tears to my eyes that Seth was such a happy little person even though he is very sick. I want you to know that I will be thinking of him and your family everyday and sincerely hope that he will get better. I was extremely inspired by the story and will wear yellow on March 27. Know that I will keep Seth and your family in my thoughts. Jack-Baton Rouge, LA. USA


  8. Gary says:

    Seth is an inspiration to me. I’m a father of two wonderful boys and I couldn’t imagine going through this. His smile is truly amazing and I pray that this boy gets everything he needs. I will have both my boys wearing yellow and myself.

    Paw patrol were on a roll!
    Best wishes Seth. Stay strong.


  9. DAISY WRITES. says:

    I’ve just spent ages reading through your blog, Seth is such an amazing boy! #wearyellowforseth came up on my Facebook trending news, I hope that means lots of people see it 🙂 xxx


  10. vickitighe says:

    What an amazing little boy! That smile is adorable. i just want to say thankyou to both Leanne and Nik for being so passive about the NHS in the UK. Yes it’s not perfect but it does a great job, is free (paid through our taxes) and doesn’t discriminate. They seem to be doing a great job for Seth and he’s clearly a fighter. Keep strong all of you!
    Toodle pip. Off to find something yellow…….
    I have a feeling you are going to need a football pitch sized room to post all these pictures in!


  11. David Santana says:

    I’m really touched by your story, I’m currently registered with Be The Match, but if you’re not connected with them, then I’d like to offer you something. If you can get the testing and stuff, I’ll offer my bone marrow, free, to your son. All I asked is the medical bills be paid. You can contact me at my email. Thanks again.


      • David Santana says:

        Well, my offer stands. If you know of any other children who are in desperate need of a bone marrow donation, then do not hesitate to send them my email. In the unfortunate event the marrow doesn’t take and you need more. Please, let me know. I’ll be more than happy to help in any way that I can.


  12. vickitighe says:

    What an amazing little boy! That smile is just adorable.
    I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Leanne and Nik for being so positive and supportive of the NHS in the UK. It’s not perfect but we love it anyway. It’s accessible, its free (paid though our taxes) and doesn’t discriminate. The NHS seems to be doing just fine for you guys. Stay strong all of you, and you keep fighting Seth!
    Right, now to find something yellow to wear………
    I have a feeling you’re going to need a football pitch sized room to put all these pictures up, this campaign has spread far and wide.
    Thinking of you all and little Seth from down in London x


    • LJLane says:

      Haha yes! We’re trying to figure out ways of making sure we see them all and create someway of keeping them!! The NHS has saved our boy. A person with private insurance would have the same treatment, same doctors. Just maybe a slightly more plush room I guess!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. jessica says:

    Just wanted to say me and my kids will be wearing yellow next Friday and posting a pic of ourselves for Seth all the way from Eden, South Dakota in USA hope all turns out well for him and your whole family.


  14. Paige Dankert says:

    Hello my name is Paige Dankert and your story really touched me. My school and I would love to donate money and we will send a picture of us all wearing yellow, ! Best wishes for Seth. But I do need to know where to donate to ?


    • LJLane says:

      Thank you your message is very kind. Donations are not being requested. However, if you wish to donate you can do so at the bubble foundation (if you google it their website will come up) than you.


  15. MaKayla Earp says:

    i just want to start by saying that when I saw your video on facebook, I was truly moved! Your little boy is such an amazing gift from God. 🙂 his smile melts my heart! I absolutely love how he makes the best of his illness and keeps his spirits high. That just goes to show how strong and amazing he is<3 my prayers are with you and your family as you go through this! I really love the idea of wear yellow for Seth. I think it's a great idea and i think that by showing Seth he has a lot of support, it'll really lift him up and help him get through this. Seth is by far one of the astringent little boys I have seen 🙂 im very touched by your story and can't wait to hear more updates on the little guy!


      • MaKayla Earp says:

        You’re absolutely welcome!! Is there somewhere I can send him a get well card? I would do anything to help you guys out if I lived closer 😦 but I figured a get well card would be good to help him get through this!! 🙂


  16. Paige says:

    just have to say that my heart goes out to you and your family. I watched that video on facebook and his little face just warmed my heart. I checked out this page and tears came to my eyes and If I wasn’t at work I would have bawled haha! It so sad that someone so small has to deal with so much pain. I will pray for you and your family. I will wear yellow for him next week! He is so cute and you are so amazing for setting up this whole website up this must be a lot of work! I don’t know you but you are amazing I can just tell! Tell Seth Paige loves and supports him over here in Canada!! I wish I could just give him a hug!!! I wish all of you the best. Good luck with everything 🙂 xoxoxoxoxo


  17. Jessica says:

    My prayers n thoughts go to Seth!! God bless you n wish you success in the 2nd bone marrow transplant. Seth has a v beautiful smile n adorable n brave. I really appreciate Seth n his parents! Hang in there! My friends colleagues n i will wear yellow for Seth next Fri!!!


  18. Hannah says:

    Hi there!
    I am not an expert in english, but i will try my best so you can understand 🙂
    Your son Seth is such a beautiful boy, and to read this blog makes me both cry and laugh. He sure is a fighter!
    I dont know what his prognoses are for his future (since I dont know much about his condition, or him as an induvidual) but I really hope his transplant goes well, and that he will have nice future doing the things that he likes! 🙂 I will think about him, and I will wear yellow to support him on the transplant day. Best wishes to you all! 🙂
    And to the parents: You really seem to do a great job, supporting and taking good care of both of your children. And I am very impressed by how you are managing! 🙂


  19. Anthony G. says:

    I want to write just to say that I also saw the video on Facebook and after reading a little bit of Seth’s story I instantly jumped on and signed up with bethematch.com in hopes that I will get the opportunity to help someone like Seth!! As a father of two small children I cant imagine what amount of strength it takes to push forward, but just the smile on his face you can tell he is doing just that! KEEP UP THE FIGHT SETH!!! And I will continue to follow your story #sethstrong


  20. Jason Redmond says:


    We’ve recently been made aware of Seth and the #wearyellow campaign and want to help. We are Printstagram (http://printstagr.am) based in San Francisco. We want to provide posters and prints of images that people post on Instagram following 27 March so Seth can have them on his walls and see the support he has each day. If you are interested, please email me so we can discuss choosing photos and the shipping address.


    • LJLane says:

      Hi Jason,

      That sounds fantastic thank you, we have been looking at ways of keeping some of our favourite images. Could you let my husband know some of your ideas (niklane84@gmail.com) please?



  21. Kyle Dean says:

    You’re an incredible little boy Seth! Keep on smiling and being positive; I love your attitude 🙂 All the best on your journey and know that you have touched the lives of so many people you have never met. I’ll be wearing yellow a week from today in support for you.


  22. Christina Spellmeyer says:

    Hello! I came across the video of Seth a couple days ago and have absolutely fallen in love. I haven’t been able to get him out of my mind! He is one of the cutest kids I have ever seen. The love your family has given him is beautiful. His eyes are always looking very happy, despite what he is going through and I find that truly inspiring. I wish I lived close to you guys because I want to meet and play with him so badly!! He is truly a beautiful soul. I can’t wait for him to see pictures of me in yellow and all the other ones ill send!!!
    Christina, 23, St. Louis, Missouri. United States.


  23. Mark Mai says:

    Good day Seth! I seen your video and although I have never wore anything yellow in my whole entire 53 years on this great planet of ours, I will be going out tomorrow and buying the brightest yellow shirt I can find and wear it on the 27th. I will post a pic of myself in my great yellow shirt and who knows, maybe it will become my favorite color too! Good luck and I think your an incredibly brave guy. My hopes and prayers are with you my little friend and your family! Take care and God Bless! 🙂


  24. Marvia says:

    Hey Seth !
    I decided to register to become a bone marrow donor! I been thinking about it for quite a while, actually since my nephew had his transplant. I thought about doing it but i was always scared until yesterday when i learned about you ! Im not scared anymore, i want to help save lives! And you and my nephew Andy gave me that push i needed to go out there and help the world the most i can. I love you little Angel. Mom and Dad keep giving only love and positive vibes to him, it helps alot 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛


  25. Abdullah Teke says:

    I swear to I god I will wear any color this kid wants me to wear ,,,,illl support him everyday for the rest of my life,no child should be in any hospital.. But its all gods plan . I love you Seth!!!!!


  26. Mercedes LeAnza says:

    Dear Leanne and Nik,

    We are so inspired by your family, and Seth’s amazing positivity and smiles that melt our heart! We plan on spreading the word on March 27th by #WearYellowForSeth. We are a group of young filmmakers that would like to go one step further and create a music video especially for Seth celebrating him, yellow and all things he loves! So that we can bring a smile to his face and help in raise awareness for #WearYellowForSeth, The Bubble Foundation and Support Seth Gofund Me site. We would love to have you featured in the music video surprise for Seth!
    You can contact us directly for details of the video: fancyarticle@gmail.com

    Thank you,
    Mercedes LeAnza and Lola Kelly
    Fancy Article


  27. Firefighter from Texas says:


    Saw Seth’s story on The Chive just now, and I couldn’t help but to come see what this kid is all about. All I can say is that Seth is one tough fella! I spent many years as a Flight Medic for a Children’s hospital, so I saw many kids in this same position, but I can for sure say Seth’s smile gives me hope for the little guy. I know as parents yall are going through the craziest thing you could ever imagine that would happen in your life, but this too shall pass and lead to beautiful things in the future. Tell Seth to KEEP CALM AND CHIVE ON! I saw your husbands email above, and he should be receiving an email shortly. So to you Seth, from this TEXAS FIREFIGHTER I say KEEP CALM AND CHIVE ON BROTHER! Just remember, as fireman we are all a part of a brotherhood, for life!


  28. Jenny Childs says:

    Hi Leanne.
    Tracey told me of your blog about Seth. I am humbled and inspired by his story and wish you all the very best. i’ll find something yellow for 27th.
    Jenny (used to be on the yard)


  29. Stacey D'Avino says:

    Hello from New Jersey, USA. I saw Seth’s video on Facebook and could not help but smile at that adorable smile. I want you all to know that we send love and positive thoughts. I am going to wear yellow for Seth on the 27th as will my son, who is also 5. I am going to try and have his kindergarten class wear yellow as well. Hugs


  30. Laura says:

    Hello Seth! I just want to say how moved I was with you’re video, when I saw it all I wanted to do was pick you up and hug you and love you. I am so sorry for all your health issues, it isn’t fair that you have to go through all this. It is my sincere and deepest wish that you get better and are able to go home where you are most comfortable. You are such a brave little man and you inspire me, you are so strong and just so dang handsome to boot. I am sending prayers and hugs your way. Keep smiling!



  31. ericoare says:

    We all go through things unimaginable! Life isn’t fair, I can tell you from experience! You and your family can get through anything, and I mean ANYTHING, together! Everything happens for a reason! I’m different than the normal person, like Seth, but it doesn’t mean we can’t do great things! I’m praying for him and your family! Don’t ever forget that family and friends can get you through any dark time! He’ll make it through his surgery! There is nothing to worry about! Stay strong and always be there for him! That’s one thing my parents did! They were always there for me, and I didn’t turn out too bad haha. I’m here if you need anything! I’m definitely wearing yellow! #wearyellowforseth


  32. ericoare says:

    I’m also a fire explorer. Crazy coincidence! Explorers are basically young firefighters in training! Because of Seth, so many people are being touched and receiving motivation! He’s changing so many people’s lives! That’s one of many things you can feel good about! Here’s a Babe Ruth quote from the movie, “The Sandlot.”–”Remember kid, there’s heroes and there’s legends. Heroes get remembered but legends never die, follow your heart kid, and you’ll never go wrong.”


  33. luahfontana says:

    His little face makes me smile big! What a wonderful little boy! Me and my mom are sending tons of positive energy to him and we’ll both be wearing yellow to support him.
    I’d like to send him a card, is that possible?
    It’s beautiful to see how much you guys love each other and all you and your family are going through, with such strength!
    ❤ Seth won my heart! Much love from California (where I am) and from Brasil (where my mom is!)


    • LJLane says:

      Thank you for your lovely message. You can send him a card to Seth Lane, Great North Children’s Hospital, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, NE1 4LP


  34. Georgia Morgan says:


    My name is Georgia Morgan and I live in Australia. I saw Seth’s video on Facebook and was so moved by it. I cannot even begin to understand what you and your family must be going through, my thoughts and best wishes are with you all for Seth’s transplant.

    I will #WearYellowForSeth on Friday 27th March and am asking my colleagues at work to do the same!

    Best wishes, give Seth a big hug from his Australian supporters! 🙂



  35. Ivy says:

    Hi, my name is Ivy, I came across Seth’s story and his smile just melt my heart. I will def spread the words so on March 27 we will all be wearing yellow to support the little man. I read that he happens to like everything yellow, paw patrol, and minions. I really want to very much to send him a little present, if that’s ok with you? Much much love from our family to yours, may God always give you the strength you need❤️


    • LJLane says:

      Hi Ivy, that is very kind. If you’d like to send him a gift you can do so at: Seth Lane, Ward 3, Great North Childrens Hospital, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcasrle Upon Tyne, England, NE1 4LP


  36. Zoe Maker says:

    What an amazing little boy. Seth looks so much like my little brother so this has hit me hard. Seth is so beautiful and I see that he likes Firetrucks and paw patrol and to show my support i would like to send a toy if that is possible?


  37. kenza says:

    hi! I’m a sophomore at the University of Utah, Salt lake city, USA! I am going to try to get my whole division 1 PAC12 swim team to wear yellow for seth! we love seth!!


  38. Tere says:

    All I have to say with the bottom of my heart is that I love this lil angel like one of my own I really hope that the parents get to see this comment there is hope Immunocal is a benifit I recommend please inform your self do all the research about Immunocal you need to so that you can help your son it will regenerate his cells and repair any damage in his body from head to toe organic benifit does not interfere with any treatment or medication. Best wishes to you and your family God bless!


  39. Wendy Collins says:

    Hi Seth and family!
    I’m a nurse from SC (United States), and I have read all about you!! Even if I weren’t a nurse, your story would still touch my heart. I posted Seth’s story on my Instagram (and that he wanted people to wear yellow yesterday). I read about him being on the oscillator – I transferred to the ER last year, but for many years I worked in an adult ICU and we used the oscillator a couple of times on some adult patients with ARDS. The oscillator is a scary sight (and ours looked like it was from the 70s also). 🙂 They told us they use it in the Neonatal ICU. Seth has an amazing smile, and Mom, you have to be the strongest woman on earth. I even told a lady about him when I went shopping yesterday and she commented on my outfit combination (including my yellow sweater). I absolutely HAD to tell her why I was wearing yellow. My thoughts and prayers will be with you in the days ahead. Seth, you are the most awesome, most brave kid I’ve ever seen! I can’t even begin to imagine how excited you were when thousands upon thousands of people from all over the world were wearing yellow in your support! And PS, I like minions too. 🙂


  40. Katie McDougall says:

    Hi Leannne, Nick and Seth,

    I hope you can help me. I am making a programme for the BBC and I wondered if you would like to take part in it?

    My e-mail is in the box below. If you have the time to drop me a line, I can tell you a little more about what we are doing.

    I really hope to hear from you soon.

    Take care



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